Sandhill Crane
FDB's Sandhill Crane dances on the slightest breeze. Our special hinge allows it to swivel and dip atop a 35" galvanized stake. It is 24" long x 6.5" wide. Made from UV-resistant PVC, entirely hand painted & hand formed, it is durable in day-to-day weather. Simply lift off the stake to take in during severe weather or extreme temperatures. Made in the USA.
"Found in several scattered areas of North America, Sandhill Cranes reach their peak abundance at migratory stopover points on the Great Plains. The early spring gathering of Sandhills on the Platte River in Nebraska is among the greatest wildlife spectacles on the continent, with over a quarter of a million birds present at one time. Although they are currently very common, their dependence on a key stopover sites makes them vulnerable to loss of habitat in the future." - Audubon
-photography property of Monica VanHarn